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CION Grosvenor Infrastructure Fund Risk Factors


CION Grosvenor Infrastructure Fund Risk Factors

CION Grosvenor Infrastructure Fund Risk Factors

An investment in shares of the Fund’s common stock involves a high degree of risk and is considered speculative. Potential investors should carefully consider the risk factors described in the prospectus before deciding to invest. An investment in the Fund is subject to, among others, the following risks:

  • The Shares have no history of public trading, nor is it intended that the Shares will be listed on a securities exchange at this time. No secondary market is expected to develop for the Shares. Thus, an investment in the Fund is suitable only for investors who can bear the risks associated with the limited liquidity of the Fund and should be viewed as a long-term investment.
  • Unlike an investor in most closed-end funds, Shareholders should not expect to be able to sell their Shares when and/or in the amount they desire regardless of how the Fund performs. An investment in the Fund is considered illiquid.
  • An investor may pay a sales load of up to 3.50% for Class S Shares and up to 2.50% for Class U-2 Shares. Such investor will have to receive a total return at least in excess of the applicable sales load to receive an actual return on such investment.
  • The amount of distributions that the Fund may pay, if any, is uncertain.
  • The Fund’s distributions may be funded from unlimited amounts of offering proceeds or borrowings, which may constitute a return of capital and reduce the amount of capital available to the Fund for investment. Any capital returned to Shareholders through distributions will be distributed after payment of fees and expenses, as well as the applicable sales load with respect to Class S Shares and Class U-2 Shares.
  • The Fund’s distributions may also be funded in significant part, directly or indirectly, from temporary waivers or expense reimbursements borne by the Adviser (as defined below) or its affiliates, that may be subject to reimbursement to the Adviser or its affiliates. Shareholders should understand that any such distributions are not based on the Fund’s investment performance and can only be sustained if the Fund achieves positive investment performance in future periods and/or the Adviser or its affiliates continue to make such expense reimbursements. Shareholders should also understand that the Fund’s future repayments will reduce the distributions that a Shareholder would otherwise receive.
  • A return of capital to Shareholders is a return of a portion of their original investment in the Fund, thereby reducing the tax basis of their investment. As a result from such reduction in tax basis, Shareholders may be subject to tax in connection with the sale of Fund Shares, even if such Shares are sold for less than the Shareholder’s original investment.
  • Liquidity for the Fund’s Shares will be provided only through quarterly repurchase offers for 5% of Fund’s Shares at net asset value, and there is no guarantee that an investor will be able to sell all the Shares that the investor desires to sell in the repurchase offer. Due to these restrictions, an investor should consider an investment in the Fund to be of limited liquidity. Investing in the Fund’s shares may be speculative and involves a high degree of risk, including the risks associated with leverage. See “Risk Factors” below in this prospectus.
  • The Fund intends to utilize leverage and may utilize leverage to the maximum extent permitted by law for investment and other general corporate purposes. See “Types of Investments and Related Risks—Structured Products Risks—Leverage Risk.”

Investing in a master-feeder fund arrangement involves certain risks, including the following:

  • The Fund invests in the Master Fund as part of a master-feeder arrangement in which the Fund and the Master Fund are separate closed-end funds. The Fund is not a separate series of the Master Fund. The Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective and meet redemption requests is dependent on the Master Fund’s continued ability to do the same.
  • Shareholders will bear certain expenses of the Fund, in addition to fees and expenses associated with the Fund’s investment in the Master Fund.
  • The Fund pursues its investment objectives by investing in the Master Fund. The Fund does not have the right to withdraw its investment in the Master Fund. Instead, it may only do so through periodic repurchases by the Master Fund of the Fund’s interests in the Master Fund. However, the Master Fund is advised by the same Adviser and Sub-Adviser as the Fund and intends to conduct its repurchase offers to align their payment timing in a manner that will allow the Fund to pay its quarterly repurchase offer proceeds in accordance with Rule 23c 3 under the 1940 Act.
  • The Fund and the Master Fund have the same investment objective and policies. If the Fund and the Master Fund determine to adopt different investment objectives or policies in the future, the Fund would seek to “despoke” from the Master Fund in whole or in part. Except for the investment restrictions described as “fundamental” in the section of the Statement of Additional Information entitled “Investment Restrictions,” the investment objectives and policies of the Fund are not fundamental and may be changed without the approval of investors in the Fund. Similarly, all non-fundamental investment objectives and policies of the Master Fund may be changed without the approval of investors in the Master Fund (including the Fund). Investors in the Master Fund and in the Fund will be notified if the Master Fund or the Fund changes its investment objectives.
  • Interests in the Master Fund also may be held by investors other than the Fund. These investors may include other investment funds, including investment companies that, like the Fund, are registered under the 1940 Act, and other types of pooled investment vehicles. When investors in the Master Fund vote on matters affecting the Master Fund, the Fund could be outvoted by other investors. The Fund also may be adversely affected otherwise by other investors in the Master Fund.
  • Other investors in the Master Fund may offer shares (or interests) to their respective investors, if any, that have costs and expenses that differ from those of the Fund. Thus, the investment returns for investors in other funds that invest in the Master Fund may differ from the investment return of investors in the Fund.
  • Economic and market conditions and factors may materially adversely affect the value of the Master Fund’s investments.

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