Net asset value per share as of January 16, 2025. The public offering price is equal to the NAV plus any upfront charge of up to 3.50% for Class S and 2.5% for Class U-2. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Please see the prospectus for further important information including, but not limited to, the fund’s annual expenses. Please note, a 2.00% early repurchase fee payable to the Fund will be charged with respect to the repurchase of a Shareholder’s Shares at any time prior to the day immediately preceding the one-year anniversary of the Shareholder’s purchase of the Shares (on a “first in-first out” basis). An early repurchase fee payable by a Shareholder may be waived by the Fund, in circumstances where the Board determines that doing so is in the best interests of the Fund and in a manner as will not discriminate unfairly against any Shareholder. The early repurchase fee will be retained by the Fund for the benefit of the remaining Shareholders.
Employee data as of July 1, 2024. The Operational Due Diligence Team is included in the investment professional’s count. AUM data as of June 30, 2024. All data as of June 30, 2024, unless otherwise indicated. No assurance can be given that any investment will achieve its objectives or avoid losses. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
AUM data as of June 30, 2024. Deals sourced data is approximate and is as of December 31, 2023. Deal flow count methodology changed in 2013. As a result, deal flow count for years prior to 2013 is an approximate count, data updated annually. Infrastructure investments data as of June 30, 2024. No assurance can be given that any investment will achieve its objectives or avoid losses. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
This is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to purchase the securities described herein. Such an offering is made only by means of a prospectus. Please read the prospectus prior to making any investment decision and consider the risks, charges, expenses and other important information described therein. A copy of the prospectus must be made available to you in connection with any offering. Click here to view the prospectus.
Class I: Estimated Annual Fund Expenses: Management Fee 1.60%; Acquired Fund Fee & Expense 0.06%; Interest Payments on Borrowed Funds 0.37%; Distribution Fee 0.00%; Remaining Other Expenses 1.21%. Expenses are annualized and calculated as a percentage of estimated average net assets.
Class S: Estimated Annual Fund Expenses: Management Fee 1.60%; Acquired Fund Fee & Expense 0.06%; Interest Payments on Borrowed Funds 0.37%; Distribution Fee 0.85%; Remaining Other Expenses 1.21%. Expenses are annualized and calculated as a percentage of estimated average net assets.
Class U: Estimated Annual Fund Expenses: Management Fee 1.60%; Acquired Fund Fee & Expense 0.06%; Interest Payments on Borrowed Funds 0.37%; Distribution Fee 0.75%; Remaining Other Expenses 1.21%. Expenses are annualized and calculated as a percentage of estimated average net assets.
Class U-2: Estimated Annual Fund Expenses: Management Fee 1.60%; Acquired Fund Fee & Expense 0.06%; Interest Payments on Borrowed Funds 0.37%; Distribution Fee 0.75%; Remaining Other Expenses 1.21%. Expenses are annualized and calculated as a percentage of estimated average net assets.
Class D: Estimated Annual Fund Expenses: Management Fee 1.60%; Acquired Fund Fee & Expense 0.06%; Interest Payments on Borrowed Funds 0.37%; Distribution Fee 0.25%; Remaining Other Expenses 1.21%. Expenses are annualized and calculated as a percentage of estimated average net assets.
Liquidity for the Fund’s Shares will be provided only through quarterly repurchase offers for 5% of Fund’s Shares at net asset value. Shares not held for at least one year will be repurchased at 98% of NAV. There is no guarantee that an investor will be able to sell all the Shares that the investor desires to sell in the repurchase offer. Due to these restrictions, an investor should consider an investment in the Fund to be of limited liquidity. Investing in shares may be speculative and involve a high degree of risk, including the risks associated with leverage.
Distribution amounts are uncertain and not guaranteed.
The Fund’s distributions may be funded from unlimited amounts of offering proceeds or borrowings, which may constitute a return of capital and reduce the amount of capital available to the Fund for investment. Any capital returned to Shareholders through distributions will be distributed after payment of fees and expenses, as well as the applicable sales load with respect to Class S Shares and Class U-2 Shares.
The Fund’s distributions may also be funded in significant part, directly or indirectly, from temporary waivers or expense reimbursements borne by the Adviser (as defined below) or its affiliates, that may be subject to reimbursement to the Adviser or its affiliates. Shareholders should understand that any such distributions are not based on the Fund’s investment performance and can only be sustained if the Fund achieves positive investment performance in future periods and/or the Adviser or its affiliates continue to make such expense reimbursements. Shareholders should also understand that the Fund’s future repayments will reduce the distributions that a Shareholder would otherwise receive.
A return of capital to Shareholders is a return of a portion of their original investment in the Fund, thereby reducing the tax basis of their investment. As a result of such a reduction in tax basis, Shareholders may be subject to tax in connection with the sale of Fund Shares, even if such Shares are sold for less than the Shareholder’s original investment.
Please be aware that the Fund, CGM, ADI or Wholesale Marketing Agent and their respective officers, directors, employees and affiliates do not undertake to provide impartial investment advice or to give advice in a Fiduciary capacity in connection with the Fund’s public offering of shares to retail investors.
CION Securities, LLC (CSL) is the wholesale marketing agent for CION Grosvenor Infrastructure Fund, advised by CION Grosvenor Management, LLC (CGM) and sub-advised by Grosvenor Capital Partners L.P. (GCP) with marketing services provided by ALPS Distributors, Inc (ADI). CSL, member FINRA, and CGM and GCP are not affiliated with ADI, member FINRA.